Reach RocceRé
From Turin (120 km)
A6 highway Turin-Savona,
exit at Marene; follow direction
to Savigliano, Busca, Dronero,
From Milan (229 km)
A7 Milan-Genoa highway, exit at Alessandria, Asti follow direction A21 Piacenza-Brescia Asti, Asti Est exit, follow signs for Alba-Cuneo, Alba and follow signs for Savigliano, Busca, Dronero, Roccabruna.
From Genoa (169 km)
A1O highway Genova-Ventimiglia, Savona exit, follow direction Turin A6 Turin-Savona highway, exit at St. Alban Stura. Follow Directions to Cuneo, Caraglio, Dronero, Roccabruna.
The site is accessible from the Maira Valley and the Varaita Valley of Cuneo. From Valle Maira, starting from sant'Anna township in Roccabruna. From Valle Varaita starting from Valmala sanctuary in Valmala.
Shuttle Service
You can reach the site of the RocceRé with shuttle bus service on request. The stations of departure are from Roccabruna, Sant'Anna and Valmala Sanctuary. For information call:
The RocceRé's shuttle brings from 1250 m to 1723 m, to reach the site is necessary to walk a further drop of 100 m.

Getting there